Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI" [Commentary]

Explore Google's leaked memo and rapid evolution of open-source AI in our latest blog, tracking the groundbreaking impact of LLaMA and the democratization of Large Language Models.

Prof. Otto NomosOct 05, 2023 4 min read

Original Link: Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI"


We Have No Moat


The piece expresses a concern that AI startups and major players like OpenAI might lose their competitive edge due to the rise of open source solutions. It mentions significant developments that have already been made in the open source realm, such as running large language models (LLMs) on a mobile phone, scalable personal AI, responsible releases, and multimodality solutions. The main issues for AI startups, as highlighted, are the lack of a unique value proposition ("moat"), the slow pace of development with giant models, and the declining willingness of people to pay for restricted models when comparable free solutions exist.


This assessment candidly points out the reality of AI development in the contemporary scene: the democratization of AI is a formidable trend that companies cannot ignore. The open source community's agility, driven by collective efforts, not only reduces development time but also nurtures innovation through transparency and collaboration.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Collaboration over Competition: Rather than seeing open source as a threat, leverage it as a platform for collaboration. Participate actively in open-source projects to drive innovation and establish your brand as an industry thought leader.

  2. Focus on Unique Value Proposition: What sets your company apart? It could be your service, proprietary technology, or a unique application of AI. Reinforce and enhance these elements to remain competitive.

  3. Adapt Pricing Models: With unrestricted alternatives available for free, reconsider your pricing strategy. Offer more value or adopt a freemium model where basic services are free, and premium features are paid.

  4. Embrace Lightweight Models: Big isn't always better. Explore the potential of small AI models as they offer faster iterations, lower costs, and wider applicability, especially in edge computing scenarios.

  5. Third-party Integrations: Encourage and facilitate the integration of your technology with third-party applications. This not only enhances your product's versatility but also expands its user base.

  6. Invest in R&D: Continue to invest in research and development, particularly in areas of scalable personal AI, responsible AI, and multimodality. These are fast-growing areas with considerable potential.

Remember, innovation and adaptability are at the core of startup culture. Embrace the opportunities that open source presents and let it guide your strategies for growth and differentiation.


What Happened


The article talks about a major shift in AI development, highlighting the open-source community's innovation after gaining access to Meta's foundation model, LLaMA. In just a month, this has resulted in significant improvements in aspects like instruction tuning, quality, multimodality, etc. The key outcome is the democratization of AI development, lowering the barriers of entry to individual enthusiasts with powerful laptops. It also mentions the role of low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and its impact on cost and time reduction in model fine-tuning.


This evolution of AI democratization is a compelling showcase of the power of open-source innovation, where access to a high-quality foundation model can spur tremendous advances. The significant role of LoRA in enabling cost-effective model fine-tuning, and its underutilization within large organizations like Google, is a crucial takeaway. The comparison with the image generation renaissance, which was similarly outpaced by individual contributions globally, adds a historical precedent to the argument.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Embrace Open Source: Recognize the open-source community's potential and collaborate actively. Such collaborations can fast-track innovation and lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

  2. Leverage LoRA: Pay attention to the power of low-rank adaptation (LoRA). It offers an efficient way to fine-tune models and should be explored as a vital part of your technology stack.

  3. Lower Barriers: Democratize AI within your organization. Encourage cross-functional teams or even individual contributors to experiment and innovate with AI, utilizing the advancements in AI accessibility.

  4. Monitor Trends: Keep a close eye on the direction of both academic and open-source research. Important innovations and techniques, like LoRA, can often emerge from these communities.

  5. Speed of Implementation: The pace at which the open source community was able to iterate and improve on the original model should serve as a wake-up call. Develop methods to implement and test new ideas rapidly.

  6. Foster Community: Develop a culture that encourages innovation and contribution to open-source projects. This will not only foster a sense of community but also increase your brand's visibility in the industry.

In conclusion, embracing the open-source movement, leveraging powerful techniques like LoRA, and encouraging broad-based innovation within and outside your organization are key strategies for AI startups to thrive in this new landscape.


Retraining models from scratch is the hard path


The article discusses how retraining large language models (LLMs) from scratch is a time-consuming and costly approach, particularly when compared to fine-tuning using methods like Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA). LoRA allows developers to make cheap, stackable improvements to models without the need for complete retraining. The democratization of AI models, and their accessibility to the general public, along with the shift towards using small, highly curated datasets, has accelerated innovation far beyond what large corporations are currently achieving. The piece concludes by arguing against directly competing with open source, instead proposing that organizations should become part of the open-source community.


The rise of open-source and democratized AI has disrupted the AI sector, with individual developers often surpassing the pace of innovation at large corporations. It emphasizes the importance of embracing LoRA and other fine-tuning techniques, and highlights the value of small, quality datasets over massive ones. The comparison of Google's potential role in open source with Meta's current position is thought-provoking, underscoring the benefits of owning the ecosystem where innovation happens.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Leverage Fine-tuning Over Complete Retraining: Encourage the use of fine-tuning methods like LoRA to keep models updated and make iterative improvements.

  2. Prioritize Quality of Data Over Quantity: The trend towards small, curated datasets should be considered seriously. Data quality and relevance can often outweigh sheer volume.

  3. Embrace the Open-Source Community: Instead of competing against open source, become part of it. This can provide significant benefits including a broader base for innovation, faster iterations, and a larger ecosystem to test and improve models.

  4. Establish a Presence in the Open-Source Community: Consider taking steps to be a leader in the open-source community, such as releasing the weights of smaller model variants.

  5. Reconsider Intellectual Property Strategies: As advancements in LLM research become more accessible, holding onto proprietary technology as a competitive advantage may become less effective. Instead, a focus on collaboration and open exchange may provide greater value.

In summary, the transformation in the AI landscape demands that AI startups adapt their strategies, prioritize fine-tuning techniques, focus on quality datasets, and, most importantly, engage constructively with the open-source community.


Directly Competing With Open Source Is a Losing Proposition


The article outlines the rapid pace of open-source advancements in AI, specifically Large Language Models (LLMs), and the growing democratization of this technology. It begins with the launch of LLaMA by Meta, an open-source code (with weights initially held back) that sparked a wave of innovation upon its eventual leak. This includes running LLaMA on low-spec devices like Raspberry Pi and Macbook CPUs, using low rank fine-tuning for custom adaptation (Stanford's Alpaca project), and the emergence of cost-efficient, high-performance models. The piece concludes with the development of open-source models and datasets that rival the capabilities of proprietary versions like OpenAI's ChatGPT.


The fast-paced, collaborative nature of open-source development has had a transformative impact on the AI industry. Within just two months, various groups worldwide had harnessed LLaMA's power, optimizing it for different platforms, significantly enhancing its performance, and developing novel fine-tuning methods. These developments highlight the value of open-source as an engine of innovation, and its potential to democratize AI, even matching proprietary models like ChatGPT.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Stay Alert to Open-Source Developments: AI startups should stay abreast of the rapid advancements within the open-source community. Keeping track of new methods, projects, and the groups behind them can provide valuable insights for product development and strategy.

  2. Prioritize Accessibility: Ensuring that your models and techniques can be used on low-end hardware can significantly broaden your user base, fostering innovation and application in areas that may otherwise be overlooked.

  3. Leverage Low-Cost Training and Fine-Tuning: Following the footsteps of projects like Stanford's Alpaca, startups should aim to optimize their model training costs and timelines, and embrace new methods like low-rank fine-tuning.

  4. Harness Open Source for Innovation: The swift adoption and development of LLaMA after its leak demonstrates the creative power of the open-source community. Leverage this by contributing to, or building upon, open-source projects.

  5. Measure Real-World Impact: Quantitative benchmarks are essential, but startups should also consider how their models stack up in real-world applications and user preferences, as demonstrated by Berkeley's Koala project.

  6. Embrace Collaborative Development: The power of open source is exemplified by the pace at which different groups contributed and built upon LLaMA. Collaborative development should be considered a critical element of AI innovation.

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