Latent Space Podcast 3/23/23 [Summary] - Emergency Pod: ChatGPT's App Store Moment (w/ OpenAI's Logan Kilpatrick, LindyAI's Florent Crivello and Nader Dabit)

Explore Ep.4 of the podcast as experts from OpenAI & LindyAI delve into ChatGPT Plugins. Discover use cases, monetization strategies & the future of AI integration. #ChatGPT #AIPlugins

Prof. Otto NomosOct 05, 2023 11 min read

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Latent Space Emergency Episode: ChatGPT's Plugin Ecosystem Revealed

In an unexpected move, ChatGPT unveils its new plugin ecosystem. This episode gathers insights from Logan of OpenAI, Flo Coveo of Lin AI, and other developers, providing live reactions to the major announcement. Highlights include:

  • The unveiling is likened to the 'app store moment for AI.'

  • ChatGPT's ability to generate Python code isn't new, but the platform's capability to run its own generated code, especially in processing video files, presents revolutionary implications.

  • The discussion touches on ChatGPT's potential as a general-purpose compute platform. It can now execute video editing code, process uploaded files, and offer the edited video for download.

  • There's excitement about the plugin installation process, which appears seamless. Anyone can create a plugin using a brief JSON file, describing its function in English and providing an OpenAPI spec.

  • Some concerns arise regarding how small developers will compete in this ecosystem. Large companies are already developing, and OpenAI seems to have a partnership strategy that might make it challenging for smaller players.

  • The potential for an 'OpenAI plugin app store' with reviews and ratings is highlighted, as the current setup lacks this feature.

  • There's a sense of overwhelm with the rapid advancements in AI. Developers discuss strategies to keep up, including setting notifications for high-signal individuals who provide regular updates.

  • A philosophical discussion ensues about what roles remain for humans when AI can handle tasks from coding to art. There's a hint of humor as bakery and farming are suggested as remaining options.

  • The pace of AI development prompts a debate on potential regulation. While some believe regulation might be needed, others think it's futile as innovation will still continue elsewhere.

  • The global implications of AI advancements are discussed, with China's stance on AI and crypto getting a mention.

Overall, the episode captures the palpable excitement and apprehension in the developer community following ChatGPT's latest reveal.


AI's Evolution: Shaping Programming, Education, and Job Landscapes

ChatGPT Intepreter changes Programming

  • The speaker's understanding of REPL, literate programming, and notebooks has changed because of ChatGPT.

  • There's a discussion about using AI as a backend, referencing a hackathon by ScaleAI with a winning project titled "GPT is all you need for backend."

  • However, GPT3 wasn't reliable enough for this purpose, and although GPT4 might be better, it still might be too slow and costly for widespread application.

  • ChatGPT is useful for specific, ad hoc tasks such as video editing.

ChatGPT for Education

  • Shawn explores the potential of using AI in education, referring to Bloom's two Sigma problem, which addresses the challenge of catering to varying learning speeds in a classroom.

  • Personalizing education for every student could greatly enhance learning outcomes, but this also implies the AI has a highly accurate model of individual students.

  • The speaker has reservations about advancing too quickly in this space due to the implications of AI having a deep understanding of human minds.

  • Language teaching is mentioned as a more limited application, with some existing AI language teachers available.

GPT4 Sketch to Website Demo

  • There's excitement around GPT4's ability to generate web apps from simple sketches. Combined with other features, it could revolutionize design and development.

  • The shift is towards a more semantic way of building products, where understanding the essence of tasks becomes more valuable than knowing specific programming syntaxes.

AI Competition and Human Jobs

  • The speakers discuss the broader implications of advanced AI on jobs, particularly in the development and design fields.

  • The transition from a web of syntax to a web of semantics might reduce the importance of certain technical skills.

  • The rapid changes and advancements in AI have left some feeling overwhelmed and pondering the future role of humans in communicating and building with computers.


ChatGPT's Emerging "App Store" Framework

OpenAI's ChatGPT is ushering in a new era where its capabilities extend beyond just a chat interface. Observers are noting the potential for it to act like an "App Store," enabling users to plug in products directly into ChatGPT rather than requiring separate integration. This evolution seems to be the logical next step in the platform's development.

The immense user base, approximated at 100 million, highlights the potential of this platform. Rather than directing users to individual platforms, developers might find it more beneficial to develop plugins for ChatGPT. Comparisons are drawn between OpenAI's integration with platforms like Zapier and the potential this holds. Some even posit that this could be the most influential "App Store" of the decade or even century.

However, the rapid evolution of ChatGPT and its capabilities come with challenges. The growth could invite regulatory scrutiny and other safety concerns. On the commercial side, exciting use cases could emerge, such as collaborative ChatGPT allowing multiple users to converse simultaneously.

Monetization strategies for these plugins remain a topic of debate, with suggestions ranging from flat fees to usage-based pricing. OpenAI's vast user data could also influence the ecosystem, although they've pledged not to use user data for model training.

In the bigger picture, ChatGPT's innovations pose a competitive challenge to tech giants like Microsoft and Google. While OpenAI continues to evolve and integrate rapidly, there are concerns about Google's slower pace and potential talent drain to OpenAI.

Overall, the discussion underscores ChatGPT's growing influence in the tech industry, suggesting that its innovations might significantly reshape the landscape in the coming years.

Harnessing the Power of Advanced AI Integrations

In a recent discussion, participants delved into the future and potential of AI integrations in daily life. The primary points of interest include:

  1. Emotional Outlets: One participant humorously mentioned the need to vent their frustrations due to the rapid technological changes and advancements.

  2. AI in Daily Tasks: The group discussed the convenience of using advanced AI like GPT to fill out forms, brainstorm ideas, and even potentially run other models inside it.

  3. AI-Powered Personal Assistants: There's interest in using AI to streamline travel bookings. An ideal AI system would intuitively understand user preferences, like the aversion to layovers or preference for specific seating.

  4. Customized Entertainment Experiences: The group touched upon a desire for AI to personalize entertainment options, such as suggesting specific seats at basketball games based on previous purchases, and notifying users about price drops for these specific preferences.

  5. Lindy - A New AI Integration: The participants highlighted a new AI called "Lindy" which acts like a supercharged personal assistant. Lindy can, through natural language, understand and execute a series of tasks, like hiring processes on LinkedIn. It breaks away from traditional integrations by relying on natural language understanding, enabling users to define and refine processes through straightforward explanations.

  6. Custom Rules and Complexities: The AI's potential to understand and execute user-defined rules, like specific meeting schedules or travel preferences, was seen as a significant advantage, offering customization that traditional assistants can't provide.

  7. Balancing Value with Frequency: The group concluded by discussing the trade-offs between high-value infrequent tasks and low-value frequent tasks, comparing them to services like Airbnb and Uber, respectively.

This conversation paints a promising picture of a future where AI seamlessly integrates into personal and professional lives, providing customization and efficiency.

Discussion on OpenAI's Integration with Google and Other Platforms

  • Google vs. OpenAI Integration: A point was made about OpenAI's lack of integration with Google products due to potential non-friendly relations. This implies that OpenAI may never have direct access to Google products such as Calendar and Gmail.

  • Evolution of Tech Partnerships: Reference to the iPhone initially having YouTube pre-installed but later removed in subsequent iOS versions. The topic prompts a broader discussion on tech alliances and how they shape the industry.

  • Nader Dabit's GPT App Sale: Nader Dabit, who recently sold his travel app based on GPT-3, shared his experience. The app provided travel suggestions based on user queries and had a massive spike in traction with 100k visitors a day. Despite its success, Dabit chose to sell it after recognizing its maintenance demands.

  • Integration of AI with Blockchain: Dabit, who has API access, is exploring how AI can integrate into the blockchain sector. One potential area is civil resistance.

  • ChatGPT Plugins and Documentation: Participants examined the developer documentation for ChatGPT's plugins, noting the examples provided were primarily in Python. They felt the introduction of these plugins represented a significant moment for developers, similar to the iPhone app store's inception.

  • App Store Moment for Developers: Comparing the current situation to the early days of the iPhone app store, the discussion shifted towards the potential to be early adopters of the new platform. Concerns were raised about the longevity of individual developments, considering OpenAI's rapid feature integration.

  • Waitlist for ChatGPT: Access to ChatGPT is currently limited to a waitlist, though OpenAI has a track record of quickly onboarding from waitlists for other projects.

  • Voice Interface for ChatGPT: The conversation rounded off with a call for voice interfaces, especially given the lengths of some prompts. The vision would be to have more natural, condensed interactions with ChatGPT through voice commands.


AI Integrations and the Evolving Digital Landscape

LangChain & User Interaction Enhancements A discussion opened about the latest release of LangChain, which added an "Ask Human" tool. This feature allows the model to pose questions when it's uncertain about a user's request, making the interaction more intuitive. There was also some admiration for LangChain's open-source approach which stands in competition with ChatGPT.

AI Industry Dynamics: Google vs. Microsoft vs. Apple There's a debate about the strategic moves of tech giants, such as Google's recent launch of "Bard," which some found underwhelming and likened to Bing's relation to Google. Speculations followed on Microsoft and Apple's potential collaboration to leverage OpenAI's advancements, especially given Siri's lagging performance. The potential of AR in future Apple devices was discussed, hinting at the emergence of generative 3D AI models that might be leveraged.

AI Implementation Ideas The conversation shifted to how AI could be integrated more seamlessly into daily tasks. Ideas included having AI analyze photos of one's fridge to suggest recipes, manage dietary plans, or even engage in interactive multiplayer gaming.

AI Plugin Ecosystem The future of the AI plugin ecosystem was debated, comparing it to the cryptocurrency world where multiple players strive for dominance. A visionary approach would be to have all AI plugins be omnipresent, streamlining user interactions without needing to choose a particular plugin. The potential of a single interface that integrates various services was suggested, with LangChain highlighted as a possible precursor.

This session emphasized the fast-evolving landscape of AI, where tech giants, open-source platforms, and individual developers alike are competing and collaborating to shape the next big thing.

Enthusiasm for AI's Rapid Evolution and Future Potential

Speakers discussed the potential and significance of the integration of AI tools, specifically mentioning LangChain and its synergies with ChatGPT. The conversation expressed excitement for the rapid progression in AI, comparing it to the early days of the internet and even hinting at the shift from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. There was a sentiment that the tech world had been stagnant for a while, with AI and blockchain technologies reviving interest. There was a mention of the ability to run AI models offline, potentially revolutionizing accessibility by not requiring internet access to harness AI's capabilities. The discussion touched on the potential of personalized AI plugins, hinting at real-life applications similar to the Metaverse and sci-fi novels. The idea of AI on consumer hardware, like a wearable Raspberry Pi, was floated, suggesting AI models could soon run on easily accessible and affordable devices without needing internet access. The conversation rounded off with mentions of the LangChain meetup in San Francisco and some shared insights from it.


ChatGPT Bots, Cronjobs, and Plugin Innovations

  • The discussion began with an exploration of the potential of ChatGPT to externalize memories. This evolved into a discussion about setting up "cron jobs" in which the AI could perform time-sensitive tasks. For instance, instructing ChatGPT to check the price of wheat every day at midnight.

  • A broader idea was introduced: Breaking the synchronous nature of ChatGPT to make it more human-like. By allowing ChatGPT to schedule tasks, there's potential for it to function as an "expandable, portable brain." It can act as a secondary brain or an assistant that provides wisdom and handles tasks.

  • The participants discussed how the AI could monitor online threads and alert users when specific topics or keywords appear. This feature could eliminate the need for manual reminders and make the management of online information easier.

  • The conversation also touched upon the integration of external APIs like Instacart with ChatGPT. The idea is to make ChatGPT more asynchronous, allowing it to perform tasks in between interactions. This could lead to ChatGPT functioning as a real personal assistant, ordering groceries or managing tasks based on a user's preferences.

  • As the conversation shifted, the topic of software integration was broached. The participants discussed the advantages companies could have by integrating physical products with software platforms.

  • Logan, the first Devrel person at OpenAI, joined the conversation and provided insights into the world of plugins. He revealed that Zapier, a tool that connects different apps, can integrate with 5,000 different plugins. This massive interconnectivity suggests that users don't need to wait for specific plugins; they can leverage Zapier's existing connections.

  • One of the key points Logan emphasized was the challenge of integrating many plugins with the current ChatGPT. More plugins mean less conversation context. However, future versions of ChatGPT, like a potential GPT-4 with a larger context window, could handle more plugins efficiently.

  • The discussion ended with a comparison of OpenAI's efforts with Microsoft's BingChat. Logan clarified that Bing is optimized for search, making it a fundamentally different experience from ChatGPT.

This engaging session highlighted the innovative potential of AI, specifically ChatGPT, in managing tasks, integrating with external APIs, and reshaping the future of digital interaction.


Exploring OpenAI's Monetization and Plugin Strategies

During a Q&A session on App Store Monetization, participants discussed the potential monetization strategies for OpenAI. The conversation tackled the comparison between the App Store and AI apps and how developers can benefit from OpenAI's platform as a distribution channel. The concept of AI plugins taking a subscription-based monetization route, similar to Spotify, was suggested. Some even pondered the idea of integrating Web3, using smart contracts, and speculating about potential decentralization in the future.

In another segment on ChatGPT Plugins API, there was curiosity about the existence of an API for ChatGPT. Although an API is available, it's restricted to a small group. The idea is that developers might soon be able to install plugins via ChatGPT UI, but there's no current ability to use the plugins programmatically.

Finally, in a discussion about the Python Interpreter, it was emphasized that ChatGPT is evolving beyond just a chat app. The platform's ability to run Python code opens doors for diverse applications, from setting up cron jobs to video compression, making it a multi-functional platform.

The session concluded with a general sentiment that the tech space had seen stagnation, and OpenAI's advancements felt like a fresh wave of innovation.

Monetizing Plugin Marketplaces and Their Future

Peter, an experienced developer, shares insights on monetizing plugin marketplaces, emphasizing the importance of validation levels and ensuring compatibility. He highlights how OpenAI and similar platforms could capitalize on these concepts by offering a form of certification for plugins, which would provide users with assurance of quality.

Drawing from his experience with platforms like JetBrains, Postman, and various cloud marketplaces, Peter asserts that a validation system could be both beneficial for developers and platforms like OpenAI. The discussion transitions to LindyAI, with its founder, Flo Crivello, diving into how Lindy effortlessly integrates with other platforms using natural language processing. Flo emphasizes Lindy's agility in setting up new integrations, taking as little as 15 minutes. However, concerns arise around user trust and the need to establish hard guardrails for certain actions to maintain security and data integrity.


Unpacking AI's Future: Safety Concerns, Multimodal Systems, and a Conversational Interface Revolution

AI Safety Concerns:
The speaker expresses significant concern about the long-term safety implications of AI. They believe that while medium-term issues, such as misinformation, are of moderate concern, they are manageable with engineering solutions. However, the long-term existential threats are more worrisome. The mention of Sam Altman and his supposed "off button" reflects on the wider debate surrounding AI control.

Multimodal GPT4 and AI Advancements:
There's excitement around the potential of multimodal systems, particularly those integrating audio and images. The speaker draws parallels between the evolution of AI and the development of the CPU, highlighting the ongoing innovation in both spaces. Despite the progress, language remains a powerful tool, and the role of OpenAI is underscored as significant in this domain.

AI-safe API Design:
Ensuring safety when AI interacts with APIs is discussed, with the speaker detailing how they've implemented safety features in their system. The conversation delves into permissions, where there's concern about potential misuse by developers. They also discuss the limitations of permissioning systems like Deno's, emphasizing the importance of precision in granting permissions.

Closing Remarks on AI's Future:
Flo concludes by lauding the rapid advancements by OpenAI and emphasizes the perspective that large AI models, like the GPT series, could be the next generation of operating systems. The sentiment is that human-computer interactions will evolve into more conversational exchanges, with AI serving as an intermediary, doing work on behalf of the user. The session wraps up on a positive note, with an urge to explore and innovate in this burgeoning field.

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