Buy Crypto. Pay Crypto.
bitUSD is a digital token that has roughly the same value as US dollars. Once you exchange your US dollars for bitUSD, you can exchange bitUSD for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It’s even better than US dollars because no bank or government can limit or freeze your bitUSD. You have ultimate control of your money and all the value is stored on your phone or computer!
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bitcash Wallet - Buy Crypto. Pay Crypto.
It's easy. Bitcash allows you to exchange your money with others for local currency stablecoins or bitUSD. You can use bitcash to pay others for goods & services. Our wallet is passwordless and you don't have to deal with private keys ever again! Your smartphone will secure the key to access your crypto money.
Scan the QR code bellow with your smartphone camera to start in crypto!
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How it Works
Money as a unit of account
Creating money from illiquid assets makes sense. It adds more monetary liquidity to the economy.
Simple Crypto-Collateralized stablecoins
Traditional banks create US dollars out of thin air backed by real estate. We propose a similar yet simpler design to create stablecoins from crypto collateral instead of real estate.
Simple Exchange + Margin Trading
We’ll create a simple exchange market without an order book where users can easily buy & sell bitUSD for EOS, BTC, ETH.
Fixed Peg & Pooled Deposit
By relying on a price feed we can create a stronger peg that doesn’t require governance or interest rate manipulation. We also pool crypto deposits together to simplify trading, lending, and stablecoin creation mechanics that all happen in the background.
Oracle – price feed
We start with an internally operated price feed that provides pricing every 5 or 10 seconds for redemption and trading. The price feed frequency provides our community with relatively recent exchange pricing for trading and to establish the peg.
Stablecoin Tokenomics
20% of the revenue will be distributed to bitcashBank, our network organization DAO, to grow and fund new features and applications. Users who stake collateral will earn 80% of trading, lending, payment income generated from bitcashBank.
Crypto Onramp – Peer-to-Peer ATM
With stablecoins it is easy for people to exchange fiat dollars for bitcash one for one in an OTC market. We plan to make it as easy as possible using digital exchange methods such as Paypal and online bank transfers.
Local Stablecoins and Foreign Exchange
Our stablecoins include bitUSD and many other national currency stablecoins with an initial focus on Europe, South America and Southeast Asia.
The local stablecoins currently supported for payments & exchange are the following: bitARS, bitCRC, bitMXN, bitEUR, bitAUD, bitCAD, bitCOP, bitGBR1, bitKRW, bitYEN, bitVND, bitTWD, bitTHB, bitSOL, bitCLP, bitCNY, bitIDR, bitMYR, bitNGN, bitUGX, bitKES
In the future we plan to provide a extremely liquid exchange, initially focused on Bitcoin and EOS.
"Our mission is to financially empower one billion people around the world"
Our core values
We believe that truth is what we should all strive for and we expect it from all our partners and believe it will be the key to our success.
We want to be an open book and share everything going on with our business.
You should have the right to exchange crypto and do business freely with whomever you choose.
We want everyone to be treated equally and fairly.
We are inclusive and want you to join our efforts to change our financial futures together.
Core Partners
Jun Dam, MBA
Founder, Product & Financial Architect
Gabo Esquivel
Co-founder, Tech Architect & Full-stack Web3 Engineer
Roberto “Andler” Lucas
Co-founder, Tech Operations, UI/UX Lead & Full-stack Engineer
Ruben Abarca
Full-stack Web3 Engineer
Nathanael Liu
Solidity & Full-stack Engineer
Jimoh Sherifdeen
Full-stack Engineer
Anouk Rimola
Software Tester & Front-end Engineer
Brandon Fernandez
Full-stack Engineer
Artem Maliuga
Smart Contract Architect
Laura Castillo
UI/UX & Product Designer
Advisory Partners
Cesar Díaz
Marketing & Content
Technical Partners
John Heeter @ Boi
Smart Contracts & Backend
Delphi Price Oracle Partners